
Diagnostic laboratory tests

Diagnostic laboratory tests from Inmodia GmbH for the clarification and documentation of possible COVID-19 vaccine damage

Brief info

  • Possible biomaterial: biopsies (including tumour samples), autopsies, blood, cerebrospinal fluid
  • Detection of spike proteins and additional tests to differentiate between infection-related long COVID and vaccine damage
  • Standardised and innovative methods; up to 1000 times more sensitive than conventionally used tests
  • Focus of testing is Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna; for Astra-Zeneca and Janssen/Johnson & Johnson only general spike protein detection possible for the time being
  • Self-payers

Mon-May, after consultation and completion of the declaration of consent


  • Tel.: +49 851 – 2042 5681 (Mon-Fri 9-11am; Mon-Thu 5-7pm)
  • Email: ‘’:javascript:decryptUnicorn(zryqrfgryyr|vazbqvn.qr

The Institute of Molecular Diagnostics (Inmodia GmbH) offers detection of all components of RNA-based injections:

  • Spike protein
  • ‘Vaccine mRNA’ (modRNA)
  • residual DNA (plasmid DNA)

These components can be detected in the following sample materials:

  • Tissue samples (biopsy or autopsy materials, fixed or unfixed)
  • Blood plasma
  • Cerebrospinal fluid
  • Immune cells from whole blood or cerebrospinal fluid

Specific detection methods for DNA-based injections are currently not offered, as they have hardly been used in Germany. However, the methods for detecting spike protein also cover these injections.

In the case of RNA-based injections, the laboratory must be informed whether the vaccine was injected by Pfizer / BioNTech or by Moderna, as specific reagents must be used for diagnostics in each case.