
Two different forms of genetically engineered injections were used in the global vaccination campaign against COVID-19. In both cases, the injections forced our cells to produce the foreign spike protein (SARS-CoV-2, Wuhan variant). This was intended to activate our immune system and stimulate the production of antibodies and T-killer cells against the viral spike protein.

In the case of DNA-based injections (AstraZeneca, Janssen / Johnson & Johnson), the template for the spike protein is available in the form of a DNA copy, which is introduced into the cells with the help of an adenovirus envelope. Once inside the cell, the DNA must first be transcribed into mRNA.

In the case of RNA-based injections (Pfizer / BioNTech, Moderna), the template for the spike protein, which occurs naturally on the surface of coronavirus particles, is already available as mRNA, which is introduced into the cells with the help of an envelope of partly synthetic fat-like molecules (lipid nanoparticles, LNPs).

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Fig. 1: Comparison of the production of human proteins (lower part of the image) with the production of viral spike proteins after COVID-19 injection (upper part of the image).

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Fig. 1: Comparison of the production of human proteins (lower part of the image) with the production of viral spike proteins after COVID-19 injection (upper part of the image).

Our genetic information (DNA) is stored by our cells in the cell nucleus. In order to produce a protein that is important for cell metabolism, a copy of the required information is made (No. 1). This mRNA (messenger RNA) travels from the cell nucleus to certain structures (ribosomes) in the cytoplasm, where the information is converted and the corresponding protein is produced (No. 2). Parts of the protein migrate to the cell surface and are presented to and analysed by our immune system (No. 3). However, as these are the cell’s own proteins, there is no immune reaction and the cell can survive.

After a gene-based COVID-19 injection (Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna), the administered vesicles (LNP, lipid nanoparticles) are taken up by our cells (No. 4). The synthetically modified mRNA (modRNA) contained therein, which contains the information for the production of viral and thus foreign spike protein, is released into the cytoplasm (No. 5) and migrates to the ribosomes, where the spike proteins are synthesised (No. 6). Parts of the spike proteins are transported to the cell surface, where they are also analysed by our immune system (No. 7). In this case, however, there is a strong immune response with acute inflammation against the body’s own cells that produce the foreign spike protein. All spike protein-producing cells are rigorously destroyed by our immune system. The resulting tissue damage is one cause of the sometimes devastating and life-threatening diseases that occur in many vaccinated people after the injection.

This “vaccine mRNA” is NOT a natural mRNA, but a genetically modified mRNA (modRNA). The chemical composition of the modRNA has been modified by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna in many ways so that the final product no longer corresponds to a naturally occurring mRNA. The modRNA has a significantly extended lifespan and therefore leads to a maximum and long-lasting production of foreign spike protein.

modRNA is synthesised on the basis of a DNA template, which must be completely removed before the modRNA is packaged into the LNPs. However, it has been found that the RNA-based injections are contaminated with significant amounts of DNA [1], [2]. It is very probably, that these remnants can also contribute to the triggering of side effects.

Various mechanisms are conceivable for the triggering of serious side effects. The best documented are inflammations caused by the body’s own immune system reacting against the foreign spike protein produced in the body’s cells. The clinical and histopathological appearance is similar to that of autoimmune diseases. As with these, various organs can be affected individually or simultaneously.

Particularly prominent are inflammations of blood vessels (vasculitis, often with complications such as embolisms and infarcts), heart muscle (myocarditis), lungs (pneumonitis), skin (e.g. lichen ruber), liver (hepatitis), kidneys (nephritis) and nervous system (encephalitis, polyneuropathies). There are also indications that the RNA-based injections weaken the immune system’s defence function. This is reflected in the increased number of cases of shingles and bacterial infections such as appendicitis, wound and prosthesis infections.

In addition, an increased number of fast-growing tumours, including malignant lymphomas and leukaemias, have been observed in vaccinated people. The exact mechanism of triggering these malignant diseases is not yet fully understood, but both the spike protein and the nucleic acid precursors (modRNA and DNA) could play a role. The aforementioned immunosuppression is probably also involved. For further information, please refer to the book ‘Why mRNA vaccines are toxic’ [3].

  1. McKernan, K. (2023) Deep sequencing of the Moderna and Pfizer bivalent vaccines identifies contamination of expression vectors designed for plasmid amplification in bacteria.
  2. König, B. and Kirchner, J. (2024) Methodological Considerations Regarding the Quantification of DNA Impurities in the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Comirnaty®. Methods Protoc. 7:41
  3. Palmer, M. et al. (2024) Warum mRNA-Impfstoffe giftig sind.