Never before in the history of medicine has a vaccination (COVID-19) been associated with such a high number of serious side effects and consequential damage, including deaths occurring at the same time. Ultimately, this is mainly due to the fact that the COVID-19 vaccination is not a “vaccination” in the conventional sense, but a novel gene product that is used as a completely untested technology in humans.
It is therefore our duty as doctors and scientists to provide information here.
The Institute of Molecular Diagnostics (Inmodia GmbH) is committed exclusively to medical ethical standards, as laid down in the Nuremberg Codex and the Declaration of Helsinki, and acts independently of pharmaceutical companies and public health authorities.
It is therefore of particular important for us to be able to offer our support to injured patients and all relatives of deceased persons whose death occurred in temporal connection with the vaccination with regard to the further clarification of the damage and cause of death.
The documentation and, if necessary, publication of vaccine damage is particularly important because, among other things, it can be used to gather arguments against the further continuation and authorisation of the gene-based vaccine, which has not yet been fully tested, and thus possibly save other people similar suffering.
It is possible to detect certain components in the COVID-19 vaccine even months after the injection by means of special tests of blood/cerebrospinal fluid or tissue samples/biopsies material from patients, which can be used as evidence of vaccine damage in an expert opinion. Our institute uses scientifically established and standardised techniques, develops them further and also uses scientifically innovative methods.